The ABSOLUTE for the ANF

[p2]I found myself the perfect host Xenophanes...
[Xenophanes]Excellent, is it the one we had our eyes on for a while now?
[p2]Yeah, the weird little mouse... Brensle if I remember correctly...
[Xenophanes]Excellent, their friends might make great minions in my army.
[p2]Yeah they might make great minions, but it's the issue of taking over that I will need to worry about, and if their friends are more clever then your already dead minions...
[Xenophanes]Don't worry, it won't be hard, after all I, Xenophanes, am Sonic.EXE... remember?
[p2]Yeah, I know Xenophanes, but-
[Xenophanes]No buts about, you just do your job and get Brensle as your vessel!
[p2]Yes, sir
[Xenophanes]Tails, take him to the world we've been eyeing
[Tails soul]yes boss...

We pulled this text from a discarded chat log, it seems whatever caused Brensle to change in ways we don't yet understand, is friends with Xenophanes Sonic.EXE and his minions...
We also now know anf is Absolute nf

(We have a clue to reach the next secret: The bugs of relation, who names are of bolts likeness and speeding so fast that their near invisible)